Episode #60 starts with your first laugh from Mike Cody - Pro Wrestling Smackdown, Bagpipe Rubber Gloves, Morning BJ, Beatles Documentary, Christmas Tree Afrodesiac, Daily Dumbass - Flame Thrower Parking, Top 6 List, Confessions with Rev. Robert, Viagra good for Pop's Mind too, Lamar cheated out of championship?, Daily Dumbass - Bowling Alley Drunk and What we Learned with One More Laugh
Daily Dumbass #1
A man was arrested last weekend after threatening people with a gun at a bowling alley in Pennsylvania. And before the officers restrained him, he kicked and headbutted a cop. The guy was very intoxicated.
Daily Dumbass #2
A 57-year-old guy in Florida got arrested last week for pulling a FLAMETHROWER on his neighbors over a dispute about parking.
When a Rubber Glove Sounds Like Bagpipes
I have a feeling this guy in Russia had a lot of free time on his hands during the pandemic. He shoved balloon sticks and a broken pen into the fingertips of a rubber glove, and then played it just like bagpipes . . . which is exactly what it sounds like.